Laser Therapy for Hair Loss and Thinning
Laser therapy has been for hair loss and thinning has been widely used in the United states and Europe for many years. It has been prove safe and has helped countless patients reverse thinning and help avoid surgery.
Capillus Laser Cap
( image used with permission )
For those who do not want to take medication, laser treatments is an alternative therapy. The patient only receives the benefit while actively having laser sessions but with the home units now available, the patient may have a laser session while driving, working on the computer, or watching television. The Capillus laser cap has been F.D.A. approved for efficacy and safety.
We are so confident that the product works that we offer patients a 100% money back guarantee for patients who purchase the Capillus laser cap, use it for a year and feel that it has not stopped their hair loss. We feel that patients at all levels of hair loss will benefit fro laser therapy.