Mens Before and After Hair Transplant Photos
Below is a sample of Dr. Behnam’s work. During the complimentary consultation, Dr. Bentham will spend as much time possible anscan show you more pictures. Dr. Behnam’s philosophy is to create a hairline that is natural and dense.
Therefore, he performs only one hair transplant patient per day, allowing him to spend as much time possible to achieve hi goals. He has currently performed over 2,000 cases, including 1,000 FUE cases. Below are few sample of his work.
Class 4. Front view. He had 2,083 grafts placed in one session. This level density and naturalness can be accomplished by performing only one case per day. Dr. Behnam must create the recipient holes so close to one another to create this level of density. Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam.
Class 4. Left Side view. 2,083 grafts. After one session only. Please pay attention to how natural the hairline is. Hair transplant is an art, especially the hairline creation. During the consultation, Dr Behnam draws the hairline for you . Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam.
Class 4. Right side view. Before and after 2,083 grafts. Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam.
2,153 grafts placed in the crown. After one session. Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam. Great hair transplants are a combination of good planning, artistry and great execution.
Before and after 2,256 grafts. Class 6. Top view. Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam. Creating a natural looking hair transplant is an art. It requires patience, artistry and dedication, all of which Dr. Behnam has.
This gentleman had 2,135 grafts placed in the hairline and the top midscalp. Results are after one session. Class 6. Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Bhenam.
Before and after 2,113 grafts placed in one session. Front view. Class 2. Procedure performed by Dr Sean Behnam. The red line shows the distance between the eyebrows and the hairline. On the post hair transplant picture (right), you can see the forehead is smaller.
Before and after 2,515 grafts placed from the hairline upto the crown. All done in one session. This gentleman has fine and lighter hair compared to the average, thus requiring more grafts than the average to produce the thickness seen on left (after his procedure).Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam.
This gentleman had 1913 grafts placed in the midscalp and crown area. Results after 1 session. Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam.
This gentleman had 2,045 grafts placed in the hairline and mid scalp. Results are after one procedure. Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam.
Grey hair restoration. This gentleman has purely grey hair. We specialize in grey hair. Dr. Behnam has special microscopes that are used for people with grey hair. Patient had 1,824 grafts done. Results after one session. Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam.
African American FUE hair transplant: This gentleman had 1,232 grafts placed int he frontal hairline. This procedure was performed by the FUE method, where individual grafts were removed one by one and placed int he frontal hairline. Los Angeles hair transplant Dr.. Sean Behnam.
Class 3, thinning. This gentleman had 1,749 grafts placed in the hairline. The left picture shows how thinned the frontal hairline is before the hair transplant. The picture to the right shows how thicker the hairline is after the procedure. Dr. Behnam has designed a special tool that enables him to create recipient sites around current grafts without damaging them, thus making thinned hairline thicker.
Class 3, thinning. Before and after 1,749 grafts placed in the hairline. Results after one year. As explained above, this gentleman already has a lot of hair, so Dr. Behnam has engineered a special utensil that enables him to go in between the current grafts and make the hairline thicker. Preformed by Dr Sean Behnam MD.
Class 3 thinning: This gentleman had 1,568 grafts placed in the hairline. Right picture shows thinning of the frontal hairline. The left picture taken one year after the procedure shows thickened frontal hairline.
Class 3 thinning: Before and after 1,568 grafts placed in the hairline. Procedure performed by Dr. Sean Behnam MD.